Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hey, Bartender!

I have a part-time job tending bar at the Backstreet Pub in Beaufort. I can't do the job alone, need some help to open bottles, make change, etc. (darn that lack of opposable thumbs). But I work cheap, for tips (crunch, snarf, cronch). Some of the bartenders like to have me help, but some of them don't, so sometimes I just have to "belly up to the bar" on the customer side. The Pub is one of my favorite places. There's a big water bowl for me and all the other dogs that come in. I know most of the customers, and whenever someone new comes in, I make sure to show them where the biscuit jar is.

The Backstreet has a long history as a dog-friendly establishment. Bayfield, Wisconsin used to have a dog-friendly bar, and when that changed it was time to move on. Let's hope that Beaufort and the Backstreet don't change. I don't mind banning the dog-haters; let's not ban the dogs.

When Emma was about 9 months old, she suddenly decided that a big male Golden Retriever named Shack (with whom she had already played) was scary. She hid behind the bar to avoid him, and everyone thought it was so cute that they encouraged that behavior.

Unfortunatly, she later transferred her Shack anxiety to all Golden Retrievers, then Tollers and mixes, then Yellow Labs, then many other dogs, even some small, and some female. I finally, in the recent few months, worked out a strategy which turned this anxiety problem around rather quickly. But that's another story.

Kathy, Emma's 2lggd mom

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